MEDSEN has a very wide supply network both in Europe and Turkey and continues to expand its product range day by day. With this feature, it has a dynamic and solid structure that constantly develops itself in motion.
Our company exports medical devices and consumables according to the demands of our partners.

Our Values
We Are Here For You

We believe that human resources is our valuable asset. We provide a safe and healthy working environment, equal opportunities to our employees. As we are respectful to human rights, providing honest, fair and non-discriminatory working environment is crucial for us.

Our aim is to have a sustainable growth while reducing the environmental impact and creating value in our activities. It is important to protect natural resources and support their development for the world where future generations can live safely.

Change is inevitable. Continuous success under these conditions is not only by accepting and applying the changes that occur in our environment; by creating new opportunities, with our own efforts, regardless of any system or training; we can achieve it by improving our self-learning capacity. We direct our resources to support the continuous development and influence the change of themselves, society, environment and stakeholders.
Company Details;
Vat Number : 6141714395
Tax Office : Ostim / Ankara
Trade Registration Number : 495366
Chamber Registration Number : 2056956
Office : Serhat Mahallesi 1323. Cadde Vural Prestij Sitesi A1 Blok No: 15 Yenimahalle / ANKARA
Warehouse : Yıldız Sancak Mahallesi Konrad Adenaur Caddesi 532. Sokak Çankaya / ANKARA
Mail : info@medsenhealthcare.com
Phone : +90 501 068 97 98